Millennial Apprentices – they are coming!

Celebrated Author as Guest Speaker!

Bro. Samuel Friedman, the author of the book Millennial Apprentices – The Next Revolution in Freemasonry will be the guest speaker at our December regular meeting (Dec 19th). Reviews about his book:

Amazon: A new generation of American men has begun to enter the fraternity of Freemasonry. This group of young men belong to the second largest generation in America history. Known as the millennials, they possess unique motivations and aspirations for the Craft that are quite different from the several generations before them. This book looks at the current state of Freemasonry, how the Fraternity has arrived at this point and proposes restorations within the Craft that point the way forward into the twenty-first century. Written by a young and enthusiastic millennial Mason, this book is meant to inspire thought provoking discussion on what this new breed of Mason desires, and what it truly means to be a Mason in the twenty-first century.

Bro. Chris Hoddap (author of Freemasonry for Dummies): Brother Samuel has written a book that answers many of the questions that some older Masons are now asking within the fraternity about the generation of men who will succeed them in passing on our traditions.

Samuel Friedman is a current member of ERAC Lodge #163 in Rochester, New York as well as a Charter member and current Junior Warden of Ecclesia Lodge U.D He hails from a rich family tradition of Masonry that dates back three generations. A former Legislative Analyst for the New York State Legislature, he is currently enrolled at the Maxwell School of Public Administration and will soon receive a Master’s Degree in Public Administration.

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