Welcome to the website of The Electric Lodge No. 495 of Hamilton “C” District under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
We extend a very warm welcome to those who are non-members of our Fraternity and those who may be seriously contemplating the possibility of becoming members of our Craft.
Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Hillcrest Masonic Temple, 257-261 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton, Ontario — with the exception of June, July, and August.
Next regular meeting: Wednesday, November 16th: Official visit of the DDGM.
See the map for our location!
Interested in becoming a Freemason? Would you like to know more? Fill out the form!
Did you know?
Freemasonry is often defined as being a system of Morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.
This basically means that ethical principals are taught by means of allegorical stories, and symbolic characteristics. Masonry Is founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue.
It is a system of teaching friendship, Charity, and Morality.
Masonry is a noble science, that can provide a spiritual awakening into an order and quality of life previously unexperienced. It is designed to teach self-knowledge, and the true meaning of the Order of Freemasonry is found in its greater system of spiritual doctrine, and the strength and understanding to which its application leads the Mason. There is much more to Masonry than a society with secrets, teaching elementary morality. A Mason, is at all times, expected to be loyal to family, home, country, and the Craft of Freemasonry.
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